What is the average cost of travelling around Oz?
by Lisa
Planning on travelling around Oz with my partner in Campervan (so no need for hostels etc.)
We were wondering how long we could travel on $10,000 Aussie dollars (excluding car cost), we would be fairly cost conservative. Has anyone else done this? What kind of money did you spend over what period of time?
Thanks! :)
Response to: What is the average cost of travelling around Oz?
Hi Lisa,
I have done a lot of that kind of thing, and I'd say $10.000 will go a looong way.
Your single biggest expense will be fuel costs. The rest just about pales to insignificance next to that...
So when you say excluding car costs, are you excluding fuel costs?
Costs for fuel vary wildly across the Australian states. The NT and WA are the most ridiculously expensive. On top of that prices shoot up as soon as you leave the populated coastal areas anywhere.
So what any stage of the trip costs you depends where you are...
The length of your trip won't be limited by the amount of time that your money lasts, but by the amount of kilometres you can buy. The slower you are moving on from one place to the next, the longer your money will last, know what I mean?
If you want to save money on camping check out Jan Holland's camping guide books. I wouldn't leave home without them. With that your camping costs across half of Australia are down to nearly zero.
You probably know what you usually spend on groceries, and a few national park entry fees here and there are not the world. Fuel, that's the only real expense.
Having said all that, I have no idea how you'd go over on the east coast, and what costs you are looking at there. I guess the free bushcamping sites would be a bit harder to come by. (But the diesel is cheaper :-) )
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