Australian Travel Visa (Visitor Visa)

There are several kinds of Australian travel visa (also called Australia visitor visa).

The application process varies, depending on the country you are from and the length of your visit to Australia...

The most common travel visas for Australia are the ETA (Electronic Travel Authority) and the Australia tourist visa.

What you cand can't do when visiting Australia on a tourist visa or ETA is outlined below.

How Long Can I Stay With An Australia Travel Visa?

The ETA allows you to stay in Australia for three months and can not be extended.

An Australia tourist visa allows you to stay in Australia for 3 or 6 or 12 months and can be extended from within Australia, to a maximum stay of 12 months.

Once inside Australia you can apply over the internet to extend your visit to 6 months (if your visa specifies a shorter period). To apply for the maximum of 12 months you have to lodge the application in person at a government office.

What If I Leave Australia And Want To Come Back?

Many Australia travel visas allow you multiple entry. This means you can leave Australia and re-enter within a period of 12 months from the date it was granted. When you re-enter you are again allowed to stay as long as your Australia visitor visa specifies.

So, say you have the usual three months ETA. You can visit Australia for 3 months, go to New Zealand, and then come back to Australia for another 3 months.

Does A Visitor Visa Allow Me To Work?

No. If you want to work in Australia you need to apply for an Australia Work Visa.

(Who can get an Australian working holiday visa?
Information about Australian working visas for people over 30.)

Does An Australian Travel Visa Allow Me To Study?

The Australian tourist visa allows you to study for less than three months.

How Do I Apply For An Australian Travel Visa

Passport holders from eligible countries can apply for their Australia travel visa online. Some visa types will require that you apply in person or by mail. See the government website to find out all those details:

Learn more about the ETA

More about the Australia tourist visa

Other Australia Visitor Visa options

The easiest way is to ask your registered travel agent, airline service or specialist provider to do it for you. Most are registered for eVisa services and throw in this service for free.

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