Pictures Of Ayers Rock
Outback Photo Gallery
More than just pictures of Ayers Rock...
Yes, this page has some of the typical sunset on Ayers Rock pictures. But it also has lots of useful information.
For example you can find out why everybody's Uluru photos look the same, and what your chances are to come home with a stunning and different shot...
If you do, we want to see it!
Uluru Pictures 1
Ayers Rock Sunset

There you have it. The classic picture of an Ayers Rock sunset. Bet you've seen it a million times, albeit looking somewhat better than my effort.
How come that everybody returns from Australia with exactly the same sunset pictures from Ayers Rock (that never look quite as good as the post cards or professional shots)?
For the simple reason that there are only two places where you are allowed to take sunset pictures of the rock. The sunset viewing areas...
Uluru Pictures 2
Ayers Rock Sunset Viewing Area

This picture should give you a bit of an idea what a sunset at Ayers Rock is really like. This is the sunset viewing area for independent travellers.
Uluru Pictures 3
Ayers Rock Sunset From The Bus Viewing Area

Photo by Ernieski
Here's my favourite Ayers Rock sunset picture. Great shot, Ernieski!
This view of Uluru from the bus sunset viewing area is slightly different (and better, in my opinion).
Alas, unless you book yourself onto one of the tour buses you get kicked out of this area an hour before sunset.
Uluru Pictures 4 - 6
Photos Of Ayers Rock Sunrises...

Photo by Krossbow
Here's a picture of Ayers Rock at sunrise. I think... (I never got up early enough myself to see the sunrise at Uluru.)
And here are two more sunrises. Stunning...

Photo by Descramble

Photo by Patrick Denker
Uluru Pictures 7 + 8
Climbing Ayers Rock

Photo by Melalouise
This is a picture of the Ayers Rock climbing path, and the sign that asks you not to climb Uluru.

Photo by David55King
You can see why the Aboriginal owners call the Uluru climbers "ants"...
Please note: Climbing Uluru Is Not Allowed Any More!
On October 26, 2019, to coincide with the 34th anniversary of the return of Uluru to traditional owners, the ban on climbing Uluru came into effect.
Uluru Pictures 9 - 12
Ayers Rock Pictures From The Base Walk
The one thing to do that will give you a really different view and experience of Uluru is the base walk. Many of the areas are sacred sites and photography is forbidden. Below are some photos from the Mala Walk, a ceremonial area that is open to the public.

Photo by MelaLouise
This photo shows one of the caves along the Mala Walk, where the Mala people were camped while preparing for the initiation ceremony for their young men.
Below are more caves and other views.

Photo by AbsoluteWade

Uluru Pictures 13
Aerial Picture Of Ayers Rock

Photo by Bunnicula
Read more about Ayers Rock, Australia
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