Katherine Gorge Pictures
Outback Photo Gallery
Below and on other pages of this site you can find some Katherine Gorge pictures taken from the air and taken from lookouts.
They are the kind of photos of Katherine Gorge/Nitmiluk National Park that you will find on most tourism sites.
But my favourite pictures of the Katherine Gorge are taken from within the gorge, from places that not many tourists get to see.
If you want to truly experience the gorge (as opposed to just seeing it) you best go canoeing in Katherine Gorge.
It's an inexpensive trip, it's fun, and it gets you away from the tourism circus that surrounds Katherine Gorge tours just like any other Australian Outback tours to popular places.
(Don't get me wrong, Katherine Gorge cruises or scenic flights are a great way to see the gorge if you're pressed for time, and it sure is worth seeing...)
Katherine Gorge Pictures 1
Aerial View Of Katherine Gorge

This Katherine Gorge photo was taken from a lookout along one of the hikes in Nitmiluk National Park. You can walk along the rim of the gorge all the way to Smitt Rock (see last picture).
This picture gives you an idea what to expect from a scenic flight. Look at the gorge from here, and be aware that the further upstream you go the narrower it becomes. The cliffs remain as steep and high, if not higher... It is an impressive sight both from the air and from the water.
Katherine Gorge Pictures 2
The Second Gorge

A different view point. Katherine Gorge seen from the water. This is what you will first see of the gorge when you set out on a canoe trip. You have to paddle a fair way to get to the gorge proper. The first parts are wide, the cliffs look more weathered, not as steep and sharp. Just keep on going...
Katherine Gorge Pictures 3
Lone Canoeist

A lone canoeist. In this and the previous picture you can see (not very well) the little beaches along the sides.
Canoeing is hard work, believe you me! It's nice to pull up every now and then, sit in the shade for a bit and have a little snack. I also enjoy climbing the walls where they are really steep, and jumping of the ledges (after diving the area first to make sure there are no rocks hidden underneath the surface).
Katherine Gorge Pictures 4
Double Canoe

Yey, this is more like it. Canoeing is twice the fun in a double canoe (twice as difficult, too, if you never tried it before...). Even if you travel alone (many backpackers will) you can team up with somebody to hire a double instead of a single canoe. Most backpacker hostels can help you to arrange something.
As you might have noticed the light is very different in this picture. We are deep inside Katherine Gorge now. The tall cliffs provide lots of shade and protect the water, which becomes very still here.
Katherine Gorge Pictures 5
Deep Inside Katherine Gorge

Similar conditions in this Katherine Gorge photo. You can see the sunlight in the back. It's very bright, and hot, but in the shadow of the incredibly tall and steep cliffs it is sooo nice and cool. The water is calm, and ripples will give away turtles, goannas and little freshwater crocodiles.
If you venture that far you won't see many other tourist. All the inner gorge sections are separated from each other by rock bars, and the big tour boats have to turn around long before they reach this place. As do the people who only hire a canoe for one day... (Did I mention that canoeing is hard work?)
Katherine Gorge Pictures 6
Camping at Smitt Rock

All the hard work will be rewarded. Just look at this place for a camping spot. You will be exhausted by the time you reach it. Well, maybe not, maybe you are a lot fitter than we were. But fit or not, you will enjoy pitching your tent, here, or just unroll your sleeping bag in the sand as we did (it was warm enough and there were no annoying biting insects).
Watch the sun go down from the little beach at Smitt Rock, listen to the animals in the bush and in the water that only become active again in the cool of the late afternoon. A hearty meal (you deserve it), a little camp fire, and a kazillion stars, what more can you ask for?
You can read more about canoeing in Katherine Gorge here.
Information about other things to do at Katherine Gorge is here.
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Copyright for the pictures except #2 and #3 belongs to the Northern Territory Tourist Commission.