Australian Outback Photos II
Outback Picture Gallery
This page of Australian Outback pictures shows a lesser known area:
I find the north west of the Australian Outback is even more beautiful than the "red centre". That's why I chose to live here...
All the pictures below were taken on a drive from Darwin (Northern Territory) to Kununurra (Western Australia Kimberley region).
Australian Outback Pictures 9
The Victoria River Crossing

This picture was taken in the Northern Territory, not far from Katherine. It shows the old Victoria River Crossing, the place where the highway used to cross the river. It's the end of the dry season in northern Australia, and there is not much of a river left. In the past this crossing would have been impossible to negotiate during the wet season.
Today there is bitumen and a bridge, you don't need a four wheel drive any more to get from the Northern Territory to Western Australia, and the road is open most of the year. (Not always, though. Even the bridge gets flooded every now and then...)
Curious about our climate? Here is more information about the dry and wet season in northern Australia.
Australian Outback Pictures 10
View of the Victoria River Escarpment in the Northern Territory

This photo was taken on the same road, a stretch of highway between Katherine in the Northern Territory and Kununurra in Western Australia.
The image shows the Great Northern Highway and the Victoria River near the Victoria River Roadhouse. The area is part of the Gregory National Park, and the walk up to the point where this picture was taken starts right at the highway.
Australian Outback Pictures 11
Gregory National Park

The same area, the same escarpments. A view of Gregory National Park in different light. You can see, the time of the day makes a huge difference. The previous photo was taken during the middle of the day. To capture the intense colours of the Australian Outback you need to be in the right spot at the right time: dawn or dusk.
Australian Outback Pictures 12
Keep River National Park

Not far from Kununurra lies the Keep River National Park. This is a small park full of amazing rock formations and with many Aboriginal rock art sites.
Australian Outback Pictures 13
Keep River National Park: Jarnem Walk

The Jarnem Walk is the most beautiful walk in Keep River National Park. It takes you up and down from lookouts and hills to dry creek beds and sandy flats, through constantly changing habitats and to the most interesting rock formations in amazing colours.
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(Copyright for pictures 11 and 12 belongs to the Northern Territory Tourist Commission. © Tourism NT)