Outback Australia Beaches
Outback Photo Gallery
Outback Australia and beaches are not usually mentioned in the same breath, but I think they should be. The Outback is not only about deserts...
What I love about Outback Australia is the space. Lots and lots of space, and few people to share it with.
Wouldn't you love the same space on Australian beaches?
The most famous beaches in Australia are not necessarily the most beautiful!
They are well known because they are near the big cities. And they are usually crowded.
Compare that with say Cable Beach in Broome (see first pictures)...
If you'd love to see the best Australian beaches and want to visit the Australian Outback as well: not a problem, do it all in one go!
Outback Australia Beaches 1
Cable Beach, Broome

Cable Beach in Broome: 22 km of pristine sands, and the edge is firm enough to drive on. I think that last fact is what I liked best about it.
This photo was taken very close to Broome, hence a few other vehicles and people in the picture. But we could have just kept going until we were alone... And you don't need a four wheel drive. Look at our old station wagon...
Outback Australia Beaches 2
Cable Beach

This is admittedly a promotional Australian beach picture as used by the tourism industry. But that doesn't change the fact that Cable Beach in Broome offers kilometre upon kilometre of pure white sand and turquoise waters, without the crowds that usually accompany these settings.
Take your (hire) car, drive a few kilometres on the beach and your hubby/partner/friend should be able to take a similar picture of you...
Outback Australia Beaches 3
Beach at Cape Leveque near Broome

This is one of the beaches on the western side of Cape Leveque, part of the remote Dampier Peninsula north of Broome. You do need a four wheel drive to get up here. Hire one if you need to, it sure is worth the expense.
The Dampier Peninsula is the place to go if you are looking for quiet Australian beach holiday retreats in the Australian Outback.
Outback Australia Beaches 4
Cliffs at Broome Beach

There is a beach, even if you can't see it...
It's the same area again. The Australian west coast near Broome. This photo emphasizes what I think makes the whole region so special: The contrast between the red pindan cliffs of the Western Australia Kimberley and the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, emphasized by the pure white sands (which you can't see, but they're there, I swear).
Outback Australia Beaches 5
Cape Domett, East Kimberley

Lets move to a different area: This is a view over the beach at Cape Domett on Australia's northern coast. This is NOT a beach for swimming! All of northern Australia is saltwater crocodile country!
Why bother going to the beach if you can't swim? I can think of many reasons:
To sit on the beach, stroll on the beach, camp on the beach, explore the Outback country near the beach, go boating to the nearby islands, watch the turtles lay eggs, but most importantly: to go fishing and mudcrabbing.
Cape Domett is roughly a three hour drive from Kununurra, and to get there you need a four wheel drive and a good map of the area.

Thought I include this picture in case you don't know what mud crabs are.
Here's one, and believe me they are yummy!!
(And would you please also admire Luke's semi-permanent tatoo.)
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